Now that we went through the initiation, that we learned about ourselves, that we received the gift, it is time to step into the New Beginning. Some people chomp at the bit, some feel the need to get organized, and some are not ready. They would rather spend more time in the 2nd phase than start the new one.
The challenge of the new beginning is to find a way to live the new knowledge, to bring the gift into one's life. It is one thing to acknowledge a gift, it is another to live it. I can relate to that. Through my own work, I have been able to acknowledge gifts I have, yet I did not necessarily move into living them. Even now, I have to keep reminding myself.
It is helpful to know the phases of a transition and their challenges. Doing our own inner work and sometimes even 'outer' work result in a a transition that we may not recognize as such.
Another challenge with the new beginning is the fact that we do not have Elders who can receive us, listen to our experience and reflect on it, thus helping us with incorporating it into our lives. An Elder is not necessarily an old person in regard to age. It is a person who has gained wisdom, wisdom that came through living consciously, through being present in their life. I offer my ability to listen deeply. Check out "Completing the Circle" for more information.
Being present with the subject, I realized a difference between a transition and a rite of passage. I can abort a transition at any point in time by choosing not to complete a phase. With a rite of passage, I have already claimed the new while learning how to get there, allowing nature to teach me what I need to know so I can incorporate what I am claiming into my life.
The phase of the New Beginning is a paradox. It is both the shortest phase and the longest. It is short due to being a choice. It is long because it lasts at least until another transition comes along or the rest of your life. A New Beginning is exciting, even exhilarating. we become more of who we truly are. How many ideas for new beginnings do we have each New Year? Yet without the ending / letting go and the challenge is is not truly a new beginning. And the transition can be accomplished with intention in a few days.
Is there something you would like to change? Start looking at it. The New Year is not that far away. And have fun with it.