
Articles I have written 

These articles, in one way or another, deal with consciousness in daily life.

For the year 2017, I was a contributing writer for Sibyll Magazine, an online magazine. My theme for this series is ‘Creating Your Life’. Each article is an invitation to take a closer, a different look at a subject we are familiar with.

JANUARY 2017: Benevolent Leadership

FEBRUARY 2017: Being Your Authentic Self

MARCH 2017: Judgment

APRIL 2017: Receiving

May 2017: What do I mean with Energy?

JUNE 2017: Ask a Question

JULY 2017: Going with the Flow

AUGUST 2017: Allowance

SEPTEMBER 2017: Intimacy with Self

OCTOBER 2017:  Polarity

NOVEMBER 2017:  Ask and you shall receive

DECEMBER 2017:  The Kingdom of We

Both of the following articles have been published in Circles on the Mountain, an annual publication by the Wilderness Guides Council .

Warriors for the Earth    and    Being Who You Are
